there are times in our lives when God's voice is so loud and clear. at times like this, I know things are about to change and he is preparing me for some real pounding. this time, he gave me a picture. a father holding his son on his arms, secure and comfortable. it is as if he's telling me..
"do not worry my son, i am here, holding you in my arms, all throughout the journey..."
i watched Perry Jackson and the Lightning Thief last Sunday and I got so excited with the line up of movies that are about to debut on the widescreen! here is a shortlist of the movies we can watch in the coming months!
jaypeeboy is a newbie in the world of business. he dreams of having his own high-end restaurant someday. he is now occupied in operating his start-up eatery while doing some teaching work on the side. welcome to his side of the net.